SNES games
1. Super Mario World
2. Donkey Kong Cntry
3. Street Fighter II
4. Legend of Zelda
5. Donkey Kong Cntry 2
6. Street Fighter II Turbo
7. Donkey Kong Cntry 3
8. Super Mario All-Stars
9. Chrono Trigger
10. Super Street Fight II
Commodore 64 games
1. Giana Sisters
2. Paperboy
3. Computer Speedway
4. Pitfall
5. Ghostbusters
6. Ghost 'n Goblins
7. Bubble Bobble
8. Wonderboy
9. Archon
10. 1943
Nintendo 8-bit games
1. Super Mario Bros 1
2. Super Mario Bros 2
3. Super Mario Bros 3
4. Dr. Mario
5. Bomberman
6. Contra
7. Legend of Zelda
8. Tecmo Sper Bowl
9. Galaga
10. Kirby's Adventure
Gameboy games
1. Pokemon (Red)
2. Pokemon (Yellow)
3. Killer Instinct
4. WWF Wrestle 2000
5. Super Mario Land
6. Pokemon (Silver)
7. Top Gear Pocket 2
8. Pokemon (Gold)
9. Wario Land II
10. Road Rash
Master System games
1. Sonic the Hedgehog
2. Phantasy Star
3. Golden Axe
4. Wonder Boy
5. Alex Kidd
6. Out Run
7. Sensible Soccer
8. Mortal Kombat
9. Lemmings
10. Rainbow Islands
DOS games
1. Indiana Jones
2. Bundesliga Mgr Pro
3. Moonstone
4. Supremacy
5. Lemmings 2
6. Ultima V
7. Centurion
8. Wings of Fury
9. Prince of Persia
10. Pirates! |